NewgroundsDummie says:
Hello you dirtbag, :D first of all, your a sumo n****r
1.your flashes are a piece of fucking shit
2.Your a 14 little immature faggot
3.Your a douchbag
4.Fuck you
5.Grow some fucking balls and get off newgrounds
6.I will be better at flash then you will ever be.
7.I find some jealousy cause no one likes your shitty flashes, and mine got a higher score then a 1.00
8. Go to fucking hell you scrawny mother fucking fatass n****r sexual
9. Im not a racist but i wanna see how your worthless ass reacts
Tata peace you little bitch.
You know, I always find it amusing when people say shit like, "One, you're a douchebag. Two, you're a fag. Three, you're gay." As if counting off their burns adds some dramatic impact to the lame, over-used insults they toss at you. Personally, I believe it stems from a time in their life when their parents were teaching them how to count.
While most parents would say something like "One cat! Yes, good job!" or "Two cats, you're great!"
They tell these helmet-wearing mongoloids like NewgroundsDummie "One cock! Yes, that's one cock you got in your mouth!" or "Two black balls! Yes, that's two black balls you've got in your mouth!" or "Two million! Yes, that's two million sperm you just swallowed!" Somehow NewgroundsDummie repressed these vile images and, in times of stress, counts of his homophobic slurs out of a simple, albeit repressed, emotional response.
Seriously though, NewgroundsDummie, perhaps if you'd wipe that cum out of your eye sockets you'd see that you're just another Madness clone without a single ounce of creativity other than riding on Krinkel's coattails (which thousands of other people do, so it's not really creative at all - just sad). Also, maybe if you'd stick that cock back in your mouth you won't come here and have oral queefs all over my userpage. They call it a pacifier for a reason, buddy.
In closing, I would just like to say that you, my friend, are a fag.
Farewell, mon cher.
Oh, and NewgroundsDummie was kind enough to send me his angry-face.
Kind of looks like you, little bitch. Now i'm going to make your time here living hell :)
Please do, lack of your loving attention makes my penis all soft